2020 2020: Welcome back message from Chancellor Johnson

2020 2020: Welcome back message from Chancellor Johnson
Welcome back message from Chancellor Johnson

There is much to celebrate and look forward to in 2020

From the desk of Chancellor Johnson

Dear UMassD Community,

Welcome back to another exciting semester at UMass Dartmouth. I hope you were able to recharge during the winter break and spend time with family and friends.

Before we get too far into 2020, it is worth noting the incredible accomplishments of 2019. Every one of you made this possible and I am proud of all that you have done to make our university an amazing place to live, learn, and grow.

As you start this new semester, keep in mind that you are, every minute of every day, inventing your future. It is entirely up to you what this future looks like and how you get there. This future will be built through your hard work, passion, and ambition. But thankfully, you are surrounded by a caring community of learners that will help you on this journey. Whether you are a student, faculty member, or part of the university staff, there will always be someone on this campus to offer wisdom or a helping hand. We are all in this together.

I know the start of the semester is busy but take time to foster existing relationships with your fellow Corsairs. Better yet, go out and make new ones. Seek out people and practice your ability to create a more civilized and connected society. With a greater sense of humanity, we can all impact lives and transform the world for a greater good.

This semester also marks the beginning of UMass Dartmouth’s 125th anniversary. While the main campus was not built until the 1960s, the UMassD story began in 1895 with the creation of the New Bedford Textile School, which over the years evolved into the national research university we call home.

The 125th anniversary is an opportunity to embrace our shared past, reflect on years of progress, and position ourselves for future success. You will hear more about commemorations across campus throughout the year. I hope that you take part in these events and celebrate UMassD. Please visit the special 125th anniversary website to learn more about our history and upcoming events.

Have a great semester everyone.

With gratitude,


Robert E. Johnson, Ph.D.
