2020 2020: Center for Marketing Research releases new report on school choice
Center for Marketing Research releases new report on school choice

The study examines school choice options across the nation and how Massachusetts compares

US School Choice Graph Map

The UMass Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research released a new report to shed light on one of the big debates among parents and educators in America - school choice.

School Choice enables families to choose the educational option best suited to their children in grades K-12. The availability of these programs varies based on residence locations as each state has different School Choice options. School choice can be categorized into two groups: Private School Choice and Other School Choice.

The report provides a holistic and detailed analysis of the Private School Choice programs in the U.S. since it is currently the most popular modality in the national school choice debate. This report provides a comprehensive look at what each state allows in the school choice arena. This is a unique and invaluable reference guide for those interested in an important debate.

“This report adds value by providing statistical analysis on a national and regional level,” said Dr. Nora Ganim Barnes, Director of the Center for Marketing Research. “The regional level data on the Northeast US was compiled to contribute to the local statewide debate on school choice. We framed the report and aggregated the numbers from a Massachusetts perspective instead of solely providing a nation-wide perspective. I think it is this additional framing that makes the report unique and targeted to help the Commonwealth as well as those interested in the national level summaries.”