2020 2020: Rice Quoted in the Boston Globe on the 2020 Presidential Election
Rice Quoted in the Boston Globe on the 2020 Presidential Election

Professor John Rice was quoted by the Boston Globe on the slim chances of legal success for President Trump’s battle in the 2020 presidential election.

John Rice


UMass Law Professor John Rice was quoted in the Boston Globe on the 2020 presidential election and the slim chance of President Trump’s legal success. The article covered President Trump’s legal strategies and legal battle over what he claims as fraudulent ballot counting, as well as his request for a recount in Wisconsin and filing lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia. The recent election brings flashbacks from 20 years ago to the Bush v. Gore case, where the U.S. Supreme Court halted the recount in Florida’s extremely close election, which ended in a Bush victory.

Along with other legal experts, Professor Rice weighed in on the slim chance of legal success for President Trump. “I think that Bush v. Gore will always be a little bit of an asterisk on the Supreme Court’s reputation,” Professor Rice said. “I think there’s a real concern now that if election disputes were to get before the court, the dispute would be decided on something other than the law.” Professor Rice also said in the article that the backlash over the court’s involvement in the 2000 Supreme Court case reverberates to this day.