2020 2020: CVPA Online Summer Courses 2020
CVPA Online Summer Courses 2020

Non-credit online summer art courses in ceramics, printmaking, and textiles, June 2 - August 6, 2020

Summer courses banner image 2020

These online classes require access to a computer and the ability to participate in Zoom meetings at posted class times. Students will receive a list of course materials from the instructor and all work will be done in a home workspace.

Ceramics Intensive

VPA 210 | Tuesdays, 6:30-9:15PM
This course is both a wheel throwing (access to a wheel is not required) and handbuilding ceramics course with instruction supporting the students’ level and specific interests. All levels are welcome.

Printmaking Intensive

VPA 211 Wednesdays, 6:30-9:15PM
This printmaking intensive will introduce a variety of printmaking processes, including wintergreen transfer, collagraph, plate lithography, linocut, and woodcut. Students will learn to print with off-press processes.

Felt Stories

VPA 213 | Thursdays, 6:30-9:15PM
A contemporary take on the ancient practices of felting, embroidery, and narrative. Using natural and dyed wool, you will make two and three-dimensional pieces ready to be enhanced with experimental embroidery. With soap, water, and fleece, felting expert Paulina Fuenzalida will guide you through the processes of wet felting, nuno felting, and needle-felting; taking inspiration of Marisa Karasz’s 1950s innovative stitching techniques, you will embellish the felt with stories you can’t wait to tell!

Courses begin June 2 and end August 6, 2020
To register, call (508)999-9202, email: online@umassd.edu, or register online

CVPA Non-Credit Online Summer Courses Poster (PDF)