2020 2020: Message from Vice Chancellor David Gingerella on fall sports
Message from Vice Chancellor David Gingerella on fall sports

The Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference and Little East Conference cancel fall sports

Dear campus community,

I want to inform you that earlier today the Little East Conference announced it would not hold sporting competitions or championships for the fall 2020 semester. On July 16, the Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference (MASCAC) suspended competition in all its league-sponsored sports for the fall 2020 semester - a decision that affects our football program. The University will also not sponsor any non-conference competition. Unfortunately, this means all Corsair fall and winter athletic programs will be suspended through December 31, 2020.

The Little East Conference also announced that the basketball season would begin after January 1, 2021. We are still waiting on the MASCAC to announce the status of men’s ice hockey during 2021.

This was certainly a difficult decision that the Little East President’s Council had to make, but the safety and wellbeing of our students continue to be our primary focus. I share the disappointment of our athletic community that this health crisis has once again denied competitive opportunities, and though this decision is painful, it is unquestionably the right one for the wellbeing of all involved.

The Department of Athletics & Recreation has put together a FAQ page that provides additional information and resources. Though we will not have athletic competition this fall, we are still Corsairs united.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon. Until then, please stay well and stay safe,


David Gingerella

Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance