2020 2020: MUST Principal Investigator Professor Pia Moisander and her student have a new manuscript accepted for publication
MUST Principal Investigator Professor Pia Moisander and her student have a new manuscript accepted for publication

Professor Pia Moisander and her student, Abhishek Naik, who is supported by MUST, will have their work on biofouling published

Professor Moisander's student Abhishek Naik, a PhD student in Marine Science, receives full support from MUST for their research. Here is the citation for their accepted manuscript: 

Kamensky KK, Hellum AM, Mukherjee R, Naik A, Moisander PH. In Press. Underwater shear-based grooming of marine biofouling using a non-contact Bernoulli pad device. Biofouling.

Professor Moisander also has two other students working with her that recieve support from MUST. Kenneth Boyle is an MS student focusing his research on Marine Biology and Ryan Nuttall is a PhD student focusing on Marine Science.