2020 2020: Apply to join the Law alumni board
Apply to join the Law alumni board

Submit your application by March 23


The UMass Law Alumni Association announces a call for nominations to its Board of Directors. The UMass Law Alumni Association's Article's of Operation allow the opportunity to have between ten and fifteen voting Directors on its Board. This year, up to three directors may be elected to the Board. Nominations must be received no later than 11:59 pm (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) on Monday, March 23, 2020.

Submit an application here.

The Law Alumni Association works with the Office of University Advancement to further the interests of alumni, the Law Alumni Association and UMass Law. The UMass Law Alumni Association shall serve as a lifelong resource to alumni and shall additionally encourage alumni to participate in public service initiatives and to contribute to the continued excellence of UMass Law. 

Directors shall serve a term of three years and no individual shall serve more than two consecutive terms as a Director. The Board shall hold at least three regular meetings a year. 

All UMass School of Law and Southern New England School of Law alumni can submit self-nominations and vote for the UMass Law Alumni Association Board of Directors. Only self-nominations will be accepted for this cycle. 

To nominate yourself to serve on the UMass Law Alumni Association Board of Directors, complete the online nomination form. Completed forms will be sent directly to the Alumni Relations Office. Nominations must be received no later than 11:59 pm (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) on Monday, March 23, 2020.

Elections will be conducted electronically. Be assured that confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process. Electronic ballots will be sent via email on March 25 with a deadline of April 1, after which time votes will be tabulated. New Law Alumni Board of Directors will be introduced at the UMass Law Alumni Association Annual Meeting on April 22, 2020. All alumni will be invited to attend. Officers of the UMass Law Alumni Association Board of Directors will be elected at this meeting. 

Please contact the Josh Sylvester, director of Alumni Relations, at 508.999.8133 or jsylvester@umassd.edu if you have questions.