2020 2020: Greenshields Grants Awarded to UMassD Painting Students
Greenshields Grants Awarded to UMassD Painting Students

The prestigious grants have been awarded to Shabnam Jannesari (MFA ’21) and Taylor Maroney (MFA '20) for their studio-based research.

work by Shabnam Jannesari (MFA 2021) and Taylor Maroney (MFA 2020)
Shabnam Jannesari, Untitled, oil on canvas (left), and Taylor Maroney, Bracing (detail), oil on canvas, 36" x 110" (right)

Shabnam Jannesari (MFA 2021) has been awarded a $15,000 CAD Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant for her studio-based research currently underway at UMass Dartmouth.

Painting by Shabnam Jannesari
Shabnam Jannesari, Untitled, oil on canvas

Taylor Maroney (MFA 2020) received a second Greenshields Foundation Grant in the amount of $18,000 CAD. This award is based on Taylor's MFA Thesis, "Orientations of Whiteness", currently on display in the University Art Gallery at Star Store Campus until September. 

There have now been six Greenshields Grants awarded to UMass Dartmouth Painting students or alumni in the last 5 years. The Canadian foundation awards 40 grants a year to emerging representational artists from around the world.

Gallery installation view
Taylor Maroney, Bracing, oil on canvas, 36" x 110" (left), and Curbside, 2019, oil on canvas, 84” x 144” (right)
Image 1
Taylor Maroney, Curbside, 2019, oil on canvas, 84” x 144” (left), and Harvestwood Development, 2019, oil on canvas, 55” x 105” (right)