2020 2020: Farber Awarded Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year by the Florence Project
Farber Awarded Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year by the Florence Project

Professor Hillary Farber was awarded named Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year by the Florence Project.

Hillary (right), with Oscar (client), and Liz, another Florence Project attorney


Congratulations to UMass Law Professor Hillary Farber, who was named Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year by the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project. The Florence Project praised Professor Farber’s volunteer work representing children and adults facing deportation. “With her background in criminal law and procedure, Hillary was able to artfully cut through the weeds of immigration court and develop strong arguments to fight against the erosion of due process. Hillary is a compassionate, dedicated advocate, and unflappable in the courtroom.”

Professor Farber spent her Spring 2019 sabbatical working on the Arizona-Mexico border with the Florence Project to provide legal representation to detainees facing deportation proceedings in immigration court. While there, Professor Farber blogged her experience, giving insight to hardships of the humanitarian crisis at the southern border.