2020 2020: Chancellor's message on National Voter Registration Day

2020 2020: Chancellor's message on National Voter Registration Day
Chancellor's message on National Voter Registration Day

Acting Chancellor Preble encourages students to register to vote in time for the 2020 presidential election

Voter Registration Day Banner

UMass Dartmouth Students,

With the 2020 presidential election only 42 days away, talk and coverage of politics are near-impossible to avoid. While I believe this election to be of great consequence, I will leave the punditry to others. What I want to share with you is that today, September 22, is National Voter Registration Day.

As UMass Dartmouth students, you are immersed in a curriculum that exposes you to different ways of thinking and diverse bodies of knowledge to support your development as informed and active citizens, leaders in your community, and to position you for success in your chosen profession. The fifth strand of our University Studies curriculum — the Educated and Engaged Citizen — requires students to acquire the knowledge and habits of mind needed to be a purposeful and thoughtful member of society. I believe that voting, in any type of election and on any issue of public significance, is a critically important part of being an educated and engaged citizen.

If you are not registered to vote, please visit the UMass Dartmouth TurboVote website to register. If you are unsure of your eligibility or want to learn more about the election, please visit our UMassD Votes website which contains important voting dates and non-partisan voting guides and resources. I am heartened by the fact that the website and the various UMassD voter drive activities are put together by a student-led group, the UMassD Votes Coalition. I want to thank them for their work strengthening our democratic process by encouraging their peers to register, vote, and use their voices for causes they believe in.

In early August, UMass President Meehan announced that each UMass campus would be joining the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge. This voter registration initiative aims for 100 percent student voter registration, engagement, and turnout. I know how passionate our students are about the world around them and I think we can meet this challenge. So take some time today to visit the UMassD Votes website to make sure you are eligible to vote and prepared for the upcoming November election.



Mark Preble, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

Chief Operating Officer and Acting Chancellor