2020 2020: Chancellor's Veterans Day message
Chancellor's Veterans Day message

Acting Chancellor Mark Preble shares his thanks and appreciation for service members of the UMassD community

Dear UMass Dartmouth community,

As our nation and our campus celebrate Veterans Day tomorrow, Wednesday, November 11th, please join me in honoring all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces, as well as their families who have made great sacrifices in service to our country. UMass Dartmouth is committed to supporting and celebrating the veterans in and beyond our community. Our community is fortunate to have many faculty, staff, students, and alumni who are active duty service members, veterans, and reservists and we benefit from their lived experiences and exemplary values including but not limited to demonstrating courage, selflessness, and determination in and for our community each and every day.

Over the last two years, we have spent significant time building a more full understanding of the experience of our student veterans on campus and, via a newly appointed standing committee on veterans affairs, we are making new commitments to the spaces and places, programs, and initiatives that we offer to our student veterans and thinking creatively about how we can be one of the best institutions in the nation when it comes to serving this vital population in our community and throughout the region, Commonwealth, and beyond.

While we are unable to host our annual in-person gathering for veterans in our community this week, I have sent a personal message and voucher for a complimentary meal in our new dining facility, the Grove, to all veterans and active service members among our students, faculty, and staff to both recognize and thank them for their service. If you are an employee and identify as a veteran and did not receive this message, please contact Human Resources and, if you are a student, please contact Beth-Anne Guthrie, Director of Student Care and Advocacy, to register your veteran status.

Please join me in recognizing and thanking the veterans in and beyond our community this Veterans Day. We are forever inspired by and grateful for their service.



Mark Preble

Acting Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer