2020 2020: Alumni Virtual 5K

2020 2020: Alumni Virtual 5K
Alumni Virtual 5K

August 6-9, Supporting Access to Excellence

UMassD Alumni Virtual 5K

Lace up your sneakers and walk or run for UMassD students! The UMassD Alumni Virtual 5K will raise funds for the Access to Excellence fundraising campaign for student financial aid. Sign up and run or walk where ever you'd like!

When: August 6-9, 2020

Where: Anywhere! Run in your neighborhood, on the beach, walk on a hiking trail or your regular walking route.

Why: All are welcome to register by making a gift of $25 per participant. Your gift will support Access to Excellence, a fundraising campaign launched to raise critical dollars for student financial aid to help ensure that students can return to study at UMassD in the fall. 

Sign up: Register here. If you would like to make a donation to Access to Excellence in support of a runner instead of participating in the 5k, you may do so on that form also.

While you're running or walking, post a photo of yourself using #UMassD5K on social media!