2019 2019: UMass Law honored by SouthCoast Chamber of Commerce

2019 2019: UMass Law honored by SouthCoast Chamber of Commerce
UMass Law honored by SouthCoast Chamber of Commerce

Students in the Community Development Clinic helped integrate regional Chambers

UMass Law students and employees
Assistant Dean for Public Interest Law and External Relations John Quinn, Assistant Professor Dustin Marlan, and UMass Law students pose with award

At the 133rd meeting of the SouthCoast Chamber of Commerce, UMass Law students and the UMass Law Community Development Clinic were awarded the 2019 Education Leadership award for their legal work.

The UMass Law Community Development Clinic assisted with legal matters involving the integration of the SouthCoast Chamber (based in New Bedford) and Bristol County Chamber (based in Fall River) under a single, regional corporate umbrella titled One SouthCoast Chamber. The Clinic provided representation regarding the structure of the new entity under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dustin Marlan. Current and former UMass Law students assisted in developing and revising bylaws and employment handbooks for use by the newly united Chamber.

President and CEO of the SouthCoast Chamber, Rick Kidder, heaped praise on UMass Law, calling the students’ work on the matter “astounding.”

The Community Development Clinic features students, working under the supervision of a professor, representing small businesses and non-profit organizations in the SouthCoast area of Massachusetts. Students have the opportunity to research new developments in the law, make presentations to boards and employees of nonprofit organizations, and assist clients engaging in small for-profit business activity.

UMass Law award trophy