2019 2019: UMass Dartmouth School for Marine Sciences & Technology students to present at New Bedford Science Café

2019 2019: UMass Dartmouth School for Marine Sciences & Technology students to present at New Bedford Science Café
UMass Dartmouth School for Marine Sciences & Technology students to present at New Bedford Science Café

The December 3 event features a discussion on climate change and the impact on the fishing industry

NB Science Cafe

On December 3 at 6 p.m. at the Greasy Luck Brewpub in New Bedford, UMass Dartmouth School for Marine Science & Technology students Mitchelle Agonsi, Ashleigh Novak, and Amanda Hart will present “Changing Oceans, Moving Fish: How Can the Science that Informs Fisheries Management Keep Up?” at the latest New Bedford Science Café.

Agonsi, Novak, and Hart will speak about how climate change and warming oceans are having a profound effect on marine species. Due to warming waters, species are rapidly moving north – a problem acutely affecting New Bedford. The students will also share new methodologies and technologies used for tracking and monitoring both the ocean’s physical changes and the movements of ocean dwellers. They will discuss measures that might help fisheries achieve sustainability for both the species as well as livelihoods, and discuss the implications of an uncertain future.