2019 2019: Scharf Lobbied Congress at American Immigration Lawyers Association National Day of Action

2019 2019: Scharf Lobbied Congress at American Immigration Lawyers Association National Day of Action
Scharf Lobbied Congress at American Immigration Lawyers Association National Day of Action

UMass Law Professor Irene Scharf participated the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s National Day of Action.

Professor Scharf (third from the left) and fellow AILA members, outside of Senator Elizabeth Warren's office in Washington D.C.

UMass Law Professor Irene Scharf participated in the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s National Day of Action. Professor Scharf spent the day lobbying members of Congress in Washington D.C. and was interviewed by a local radio station about her experience.

AILA’s National Day of Action brings lawyers together to educate members of Congress and their staff about the problems plaguing our immigration system so that they can generate more effective legislative solutions. Hundreds of participants come from different backgrounds to share unique insight and perspective on the practice and realities of immigration law. To help in AILA’s advocacy mission, participants shared this booklet outlining AILA’s priorities and principles on protecting due process and demanding accountability.

Check out the video below to listen to Professor Scharf's interview.