2019 2019: Rebecca Hutchinson Artist Lecture, Distinguished Artist Lecture Series, Renwick, Smithsonian

2019 2019: Rebecca Hutchinson Artist Lecture, Distinguished Artist Lecture Series, Renwick, Smithsonian
Rebecca Hutchinson Artist Lecture, Distinguished Artist Lecture Series, Renwick, Smithsonian

Rebecca Hutchinson will present an Artist lecture as part of the James Renwick Alliance's Distinguished Artist Lecture Series, Sunday, November 17 2019.

Rebecca Hutchinson

The James Renwick Alliance brings notable American craft artists from around the country for the Distinguished Lecture Artist Series. On Sunday, November 17 at 2pm - 3:30pm Rebecca Hutchinson will be presenting her artist lecture at the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center  |  4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC.

For more information and to register, click here

Rebecca Hutchinson, Tranquil Bloom