2019 2019: Duncan Publishes Articles on MLK’s Letter from Birmingham Jail

2019 2019: Duncan Publishes Articles on MLK’s Letter from Birmingham Jail
Duncan Publishes Articles on MLK’s Letter from Birmingham Jail

Professor Duncan illustrates MLK Day lesson of resisting unjust law by contrasting the experiences of two Nazi-occupied islands during the Second World War.


UMass Law Professor Dwight Duncan used his monthly column in two local Catholic newspapers this month, the Boston Pilot and the Fall River Anchor, to stress the value of the important lesson imparted by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the occasion of his 90th birthday and the national holiday in his honor. In his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail, MLK defended resisting unjust laws through non-violent civil disobedience. Professor Duncan’s article examined two islands occupied by the Nazis that reacted very differently to the Holocaust. The British Channel Islands cooperated in the deportation of Jews to death and exile, while the Greek Island of Zakynthos heroically protected its Jewish inhabitants from the Nazi persecution. Professor Duncan explained how the latter exemplified the lesson of MLK’s famous letter.


To read the full article, please visit the following link: https://thebostonpilot.com/opinion/article.asp?ID=184139