2019 2019: Chancellor Johnson's Veterans Day 2019 Message

2019 2019: Chancellor Johnson's Veterans Day 2019 Message
Chancellor Johnson's Veterans Day 2019 Message

UMass Dartmouth is proud to have many faculty, staff, students, and alumni who are active service members or veterans and bring values such as courage, selflessness, and determination to our community every day.

UMassD Hearts Veterans

Dear campus community,

As we approach Veterans Day, please join me in honoring all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces, as well as their families who have made great sacrifices in service to our country. UMass Dartmouth is proud to have many faculty, staff, students, and alumni who are active service members or veterans and bring values such as courage, selflessness, and determination to our community every day.

As a designated Military Friendly institution, we are committed to supporting the veterans among us. We have a Student Affairs Veteran Resources and Support Center in the Campus Center and a dedicated study space in the library.

In addition, we have established a student Veterans Task Force that is hard at work to understand the needs of our student veteran population and is working to advance solutions based on their feedback.

Next Thursday, I have invited all veterans and active service members among our students, faculty, and staff to join me for breakfast so we can thank them for their service and hear how we may serve them better.

Meanwhile, as a federal contractor, we are required to report annually on the number of UMass Dartmouth faculty and staff who are veterans. If you are a veteran and have not already done so, please consider contacting the Human Resources Department to register your veteran status.

Please join me in recognizing and thanking the veterans in and beyond our community this Veterans Day. We are forever inspired by and grateful for their service.

With gratitude,



Robert E. Johnson, Ph.D.
