2018 2018: Vinyl Murals on Star Store Windows

2018 2018: Vinyl Murals on Star Store Windows
Vinyl Murals on Star Store Windows

UMass Dartmouth Student Project Brings Art to Downtown Sidewalks

Vinyl mural of tentacles on Star Store window
Artist - Sydney Brake

Students in Ellen Mueller’s 2D Design course have installed vinyl murals in the windows of the UMass Dartmouth’s Satellite Campus in Downtown New Bedford, the Star Store building, for the month of March 2018. Operated by the College of Visual and Performing Arts, the historic Star Store Building is located at 715 Purchase Street. Visitors are invited to view the murals along both Purchase and Spring streets.

This project is completed as a part of the art and design majors’ foundational experience. Students began by designing small stickers, which helped introduce them to Adobe Illustrator and the vinyl cutting machine. After completing that introductory project, student designed the larger and more complex murals now visible in the Star Store windows. Each mural was required to include patterning in some way. The subject matter of each mural is inspired by students’ individual interests.

For more information about the project, please contact Ellen Mueller, at emueller1@umassd.edu.