2018 2018: Textile faculty Charlotte Hamlin and Kristina Grandson curate Solastalgia exhibition

2018 2018: Textile faculty Charlotte Hamlin and Kristina Grandson curate Solastalgia exhibition
Textile faculty Charlotte Hamlin and Kristina Grandson curate Solastalgia exhibition

Dedee Shattuck Gallery, April 4 - 29, 2018

Meredith Woolnough - fateful florescence #2
Meredith Woolnough, "fateful florescence #2", embroidery, approx. 18 cm

Solastalgia juxtaposes of our attachment to the beauty and comfort of a known place with a sense of anticipated or observed loss, “a form of homesickness one gets when one is still at ‘home’” (Albrecht, 2007). The work of nine artists explores this combination of solace and pain, generating both appreciation and anxiety in the recognition of our changing natural world.

The exhibition opens Saturday, April 7th with a reception 5-7 pm and runs through April 29th. For more information: dedeeshattuckgallery.com/april-exhibition