2018 2018: Kaput Center announces community computer coding event

2018 2018: Kaput Center announces community computer coding event
Kaput Center announces community computer coding event

On November 3, CoderDojo gives young people the chance to build coding skills

The Kaput Center for Research and Innovation in STEM Education will hold a community coding education event on November 3, 2018 from 10am to 12noon in LARTS 208 and 209. This free event is open to students ages 7 to 17 that want to learn more about programming and computer coding.

The event is co-sponsored with CoderDojo, which believes that an understanding of programming languages is increasingly important in the modern world. To that end, they have built a global network of free, volunteer-led, community-based programming clubs for young people. Anyone aged seven to seventeen can visit a Dojo where they can learn to code, build a website, create an app or a game, and explore technology in an informal, creative, and social environment. Some topics taught are Scratch and Python/HTML.

For tickets, please visit this website. Space is limited. A ticket is required to participate.

For additional information about this event, please contact Kimberly Welty at kwelty@umassd.edu.