2018 2018: UMass Dartmouth hosts Congressmen Keating and Kennedy to discuss Blue Economy grant

2018 2018: UMass Dartmouth hosts Congressmen Keating and Kennedy to discuss Blue Economy grant
UMass Dartmouth hosts Congressmen Keating and Kennedy to discuss Blue Economy grant

Congressional Representatives held a press conference about the $600,000 EDA grant awarded to the university

Chancellor Johnson and Congressman Keating and Kennedy
Left to Right: Chancellor Robert E. Johnson, Congressman William R. Keating, and Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III.

On Tuesday, September 11, Congressman William R. Keating and Joseph P. Kennedy III joined Chancellor Robert E. Johnson for a press conference in the Claire T. Carney Library Grand Reading Room.

The press conference focused on the development of a Blue Economy Corridor along Interstate 195, an initiative embraced by the SouthCoast Development Partnership, a regional coalition of business, civic and educational organizations. Chancellor Johnson and each Congressman gave remarks about the power of the blue economy and the pivotal role UMass Dartmouth will play in the revitalization of the SouthCoast of Massachusetts.

This vision will be realized with the help of a $600,000 from the United States Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration (EDA) for the development of a Blue Economy Corridor running along the SouthCoast of Massachusetts.

To create a blue corridor, UMass Dartmouth will bring together higher education and research institutions, businesses, and civic organizations to collaborate on the continued growth of marine science and technology in the region. The grant will be used to encourage collaboration to attract marine technology companies, talent, and research funding.

The grant award comes less than six months after Chancellor Johnson convened a Blue Economy symposium on campus that attracted 100 government, industry, and higher education leaders to discuss opportunities and challenges related to the marine economy. The event produced a whitepaper that details the potential for regional blue economy growth.

Read more about the EDA grant.