2018 2018: Eating Local on Campus

2018 2018: Eating Local on Campus
Eating Local on Campus

UMass Dartmouth Dining Services has made a commitment to utilizing the many local businesses and resources on the South Coast.

Fresh fruit

UMass Dartmouth Dining Services has made a commitment to utilizing the many local businesses and resources on the South Coast. The goal: To offer the campus community fresh, delicious, and sustainably-sourced produce, meat, coffee and seafood.

Why use local products?

“In most cases,” Ed Gilmore, Director of Food Service, said, “the food we source locally is a higher quality product. We know these vendors, we’ve seen their facilities. We know exactly what goes into each product we serve in our Dining Halls.”

But, the food not only tastes better. By purchasing local, the University is supporting the businesses within the community.