2018 2018: Corsair Fridays at UMass Dartmouth

2018 2018: Corsair Fridays at UMass Dartmouth
Corsair Fridays at UMass Dartmouth

This year, Fridays are officially deemed “Corsair Fridays” at UMass Dartmouth.

Are you #proudtobeUMassD? This year, Fridays are officially deemed "Corsair Fridays" at UMass Dartmouth.

Each Friday, students, faculty, staff, friends, and family are invited to show their UMassD pride by repping their favorite blue and gold gear. Corsair Friday is a day devoted to inspiring and unifying the campus community. Make sure to share your Corsair Friday gear on social media and use the hashtag #corsairfriday.

You can find all of your UMassD gear at the Campus Store, located on the ground floor of the Campus Center. Or, shop online at umdstore.com. The store runs weekly specials on select items.

Show everyone that you’re #proudtobeUMassD.