2018 2018: Charlemya Erasme one of “29 Who Shine”

2018 2018: Charlemya Erasme one of “29 Who Shine”
Charlemya Erasme one of “29 Who Shine”

Charlemya Erasme honored among public higher education students at State House

Student Charlemya Erasme
Photography by Nikki Cole

On May 4 at the Massachusetts State House, the 2018 “29 Who Shine” Awards Ceremony celebrated students from each of the public higher education institutions in the Commonwealth.

Representing UMass Dartmouth was Charlemya Erasme (Biology, ’18). Erasme is an Endeavor Scholar at who has provided hundreds of hours of service to local civic organizations. She was elected as a Student Government Association Senator for the past three years, and as an SGA Executive Board member and Chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee in her senior year. Seeing the need for students to better understand social inequality, Charlemya co-developed and continues to co-lead a new social justice dialogue series on campus called SPEAK that brings 60-100 students together on a monthly basis to interactively engage in challenging social justice topics.

The “29 Who Shine” awards were launched in 2011 to recognize standout graduates from the Commonwealth’s community colleges, state universities, and University of Massachusetts campuses. Students are nominated by a faculty or staff member that recognizes their promise as a future leader in Massachusetts.

At this year’s award ceremony, Governor Baker, Commissioner of Higher Education Carlos Santiago, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education Chris Gabrieli, and others honored the students.

Erasme chose to acknowledge Nicole Williams, Director of the Frederick Douglass Unity House, Multicultural Affairs as someone who helped her on her journey. “Nicole has been instrumental in my success and development. I cannot imagine my experience at UMass Dartmouth without her support and guidance. Nicole’s dedication to social justice and students continues to inspire me. I am beyond grateful to have crossed paths with a woman of such intellect and warmth. I feel blessed knowing that I can always count on her,” said Erasme.

Upon graduation, Erasme will pursue a master’s degree in Public Health and Policy.