2018 2018: College of Nursing holds 2018 Pinning Ceremony

2018 2018: College of Nursing holds 2018 Pinning Ceremony
College of Nursing holds 2018 Pinning Ceremony

More than 100 graduating nurses recognized at annual event

2018 Nursing pinning - College of Nursing

More than 100 College of Nursing students transitioned from nursing student to professional nurse as they participated in the Class of 2018 Pinning Ceremony held on Sunday, May 6. 

A College of Nursing tradition, the annual event celebrates the undergraduates’ hard work and dedication as they receive their nursing pins.  

“The pinning ceremony is a time for students to come together and celebrate with their faculty, classmates, and loved ones,” said Assistant Dean Karen Barnett, who led the ceremony. 

UMass Dartmouth Chancellor Robert E. Johnson, Ph.D. and College of Nursing Dean Kimberly Christopher welcomed the graduates and their families while Assistant Professor Monika Schuler was the faculty speaker. 

A traditional candle lighting ceremony held at the end of the program commemorated Florence Nightingale’s history of helping wounded soldiers at night by candlelight. Before concluding the ceremony, the graduating nursing students recited the Nightingale Pledge. 

View photos from the 2018 Pinning Ceremony. 

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