2017 2017: Professor Vachon delivers ARNIE talk on multinational business and women's rights

2017 2017: Professor Vachon delivers ARNIE talk on multinational business and women's rights
Professor Vachon delivers ARNIE talk on multinational business and women's rights

Professor Christyne J. Vachon delivers campus ARNIE talk on impact of U.S. multinational business on women's rights

Professor Christyne Vachon ARNIE talk on U.S. multinational business and women's rights, March 30, 2017

Professor Christyne J. Vachon delivered a campus ARNIE talk titled, "The Price of Big Business: The Impact of U.S. Multinational Business on Women's Rights."

Professor Vachon's talk examined the impact of big business on women's rights in different parts of the world.  As Professor Vachon explained, "Businesses have become a 'locale' for a variety of human rights violations and, on the flip side, may positively influence important changes in women's rights."

The presentation was part of two talks specially recognizing Women's History Month.  The other talk, by UMass Dartmouth Professor Robin Robinson, examined women in indentured servitude in colonial America.  UMass Law Professor Jeremiah Ho introduced Professor Vachon.  The talk series was co-sponsored by the UMass Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality and the Women's and Gender Studies Program, in addition to UMass Dartmouth colleges and schools, including the law school.  Most ARNIE talks are available for streaming online.