2017 2017: Vachon participates in discussion at 2017 AALS meeting

2017 2017: Vachon participates in discussion at 2017 AALS meeting
Vachon participates in discussion at 2017 AALS meeting

Professor Vachon discusses transactional law and its possible influence on today’s students and law school curricula

CJ Vachon (Law Faculty) portrait

At the annual meeting of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) in San Francisco earlier this month, Professor C.J. Vachon participated in a discussion group considering the topic of "Why (Transactional) Law  Matters." Vachon joined in the discussion about improving students’ options and education, considering questions such as whether law school curricula should continue to favor litigation-based teaching, and what are the barriers to understanding why transactional law matters, and how to add more experiential elements to the first-year and upper-level curricula from a transactional law perspective. Vachon provided specific input as to how transactional practice improves community economic development, addresses social issues, and improves access and reliability for all business ventures. Discussion groups are a new presentational format created by the AALS to afford opportunities for interaction among specialized faculty.