2017 2017: Professors, Alumni and Students Attend TypeCon2017

2017 2017: Professors, Alumni and Students Attend TypeCon2017
Professors, Alumni and Students Attend TypeCon2017

Professor Laura Franz and Professor Yoon Soo Lee presented at TypeCon Boston conference in August.

Yoon Soo Lee image with conference title

CVPA was well represented at the TypeCon Boston conference in August with Professors, Alumni and Students. As part of TypeCon, the Society of Typographic Aficionados presented its twelfth annual Type & Design Education Forum, a day of programming devoted to addressing the pressing needs of design educators. Both Professor Laura Franz and Professor Yoon Soo Lee presented.

Professor Laura Franz presenting at TypeCon2017
Professor Franz presenting at conference.

Professor Franz presented “Web + Typography, Tradition + Technology” which was inspired by the intersection of tradition and technology. She also shared work from her book "Typographic Web Design: How to think like a typographer in HTML and CSS".

Professor Yoon Soo Lee presenting at TypeCon2017
Professor Lee presenting at conference.

Professor Lee presented “Mud Pies, Critical Thinking, and the Addiction of Aesthetics” where she talked about her assignment that explores image making without goals and trusting your hands and eyes to make intuitive judgments.

Faculty and students at TypeCon2017
Faculty and students at TypeCon2017.