2017 2017: Art History at the Chicago Architecture Biennial

2017 2017: Art History at the Chicago Architecture Biennial
Art History at the Chicago Architecture Biennial

Professor Pamela Karimi will present at the Chicago Cultural Center, Oct 4 2017 (5:00-8:00 pm)

Chicago Architecture Biennial website image

Since October 2015, the Chicago Architecture Biennial has been programmed and promoted by Chicago Architecture Biennial Inc. in collaboration with the Graham Foundation and the City of Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events.  Next month Professor Karimi will participate in the biennial,  presenting "Architecture after ISIS" at the "Building with Digital Fragments" panel at the Chicago Cultural Center. The panel is organized by the University of Michigan and California College of the Arts and includes presentations by artists, architects, and art historians. The following paragraph summarizes the goal of the panel:
"From Piranesi and Soane through the Labroustes and Viollet-le-Duc to Scarpa and Eisenman, documenting and reconstructing buildings from the past has long been a method for generating visions of new architecture. Digital tools such as photogrammetry, structured-light scanning, reflectance transformation imaging, and impulse response creation enable us to document historic spaces and objects in minimally invasive ways. Such techniques are calling forth new scholarship on the concepts of originality, copying, preservation, and reconstruction, and suggest post-human forms of historical vision and sensing."

For more information, see the Chicago Architecure Biennial Program