2017 2017: Drew on Gorsuch quoted by Ms. Magazine blog

2017 2017: Drew on Gorsuch quoted by Ms. Magazine blog
Drew on Gorsuch quoted by Ms. Magazine blog

Ms. Magazine blog quotes Professor Drew on record on women's issues of Judge Neil Gorsuch, since confirmed to Supreme Court

Professor Margaret Drew commented in a Ms. Magazine blog story about the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. She expressed concern about the potential impact of Judge Gorsuch's restrictive views on reproductive rights.

“Gorsuch’s insistence that the case [about Planned Parenthood funding] be heard en banc, even after his colleagues voted against that request, is concerning, as it seems that the trigger issue for him may be women’s reproductive rights generally, and not only when paired with a religious freedom argument,” Drew told Ms. Magazine.

Judge Neil Gorsuch is announced as President Donald Trump's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Jan. 31, 2017, with Gorsuch's wife, Marie Louise Gorsuch (public domain photo)
President Trump announces nomination of Gorsuch, with his wife Marie Louise Gorsuch, in January

On Friday, April 7, the Senate confirmed Judge Gorsuch as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.