2017 2017: Black History 4 Seasons programming begins

2017 2017: Black History 4 Seasons programming begins
Black History 4 Seasons programming begins

UMass Dartmouth's Black History 4 Seasons Council announces events for the 2017-2018 academic year

The Black History 4 Seasons Council (BH4SC) in partnership with the Frederick Douglass Unity House kicks off the academic year with a plethora of festive events, starting with a glimpse of the newly renovated Frederick Douglass Unity House on Thursday, September 14 at 12 pm. Following this event is the BH4SC Opening Social on September 21 at 2 pm on the Library patio. All faculty, students, and staff are welcome.

About the Frederick Douglass Unity House

Founded in 1995 in honor of abolitionist and author Frederick Douglass, the Unity House promotes its mission to institutionalize an environment that nourishes the academic, cultural, informational, and social/communal needs of UMass Dartmouth students, faculty, and staff of color. Next year marks Douglass’ 200th birthday. Be sure to check the UMassD calendar for the event date of this upcoming historical celebration.

About the Black History 4 Seasons Council

The Black History 4 Seasons Council collaborates with various UMassD colleges and departments and community partners, including the New Bedford Historical Society, to offer events focused on engaging students and the broader community in deeper conversations and ongoing dialogue about the African American experience.

If you are interested in partnering with the Black History 4 Seasons Council, or if you are planning an event that you would like to have added to our calendar, please contact Donna Moore at 508.999.9222 or dmoore@umassd.edu.