2016 2016: Super Tuesday voting information for students

2016 2016: Super Tuesday voting information for students
Super Tuesday voting information for students

Transportation available to off-campus polling places

Arnie votes
Busses will be labeled "Voting" and will leave from the front of the Campus Center.

March 1 is Super Tuesday when twelve states, including Massachusetts, vote in presidential primary elections. UMass Dartmouth will provide transportation to off-campus polling places. The bus will be labeled "Voting" and will leave from the front of the Campus Center. UMassD is broken into two voting precincts: 

Precinct 3 : Dartmouth Bible Church, 52 Morton Avenue (for residents of Birch, Chestnut, Elmwood, Evergreen, Hickory, Maple Ridge, Oak Glen, Pine Dale, Roberts, Willow) 

Precinct 4 : The Cedars, 628 Old Westport Road (for residents of Aspen, Ivy, Cedar Dell South, Cedar Dell West) 

Please make sure to check if you're registered to vote in the town of Dartmouth before boarding the bus by clicking this link. If you are registered at your home address, you may ONLY vote at the polling place that corresponds to your home address.  In this event, please do not board the bus.

When you board the bus, inform the driver which precinct you're voting in. The driver will wait 15 minutes before departing the polling place, otherwise you will have to wait for the next pick up. 

The schedule is below: 

    * 12:00pm 
    * 12:30pm 
    * 1:00pm 
    * 1:30pm 
    * 2:00pm 
    * 2:30pm 
    * 3:00pm 
    * 3:30pm 
    * 4:00pm (Last pick-up) 

If you are not currently registered to vote (either on campus or at another address) you cannot vote in tomorrow's primary, but you can register for the General election in November by visiting www.umassd.turbovote.org