2016 2016: UMass Dartmouth College of Arts and Sciences shines a spotlight for high school students

2016 2016: UMass Dartmouth College of Arts and Sciences shines a spotlight for high school students
UMass Dartmouth College of Arts and Sciences shines a spotlight for high school students

The Spotlight Program brings students to campus, so they can experience college while still in high school.

Duck tour photo edited

Soon, freshmen will flock to campuses around the country. Some of them will experience college for the first time. And some of them, thanks to the UMass Dartmouth College of Arts and Sciences Spotlight Program, have already experienced college.

The Spotlight Program brings high school students to campus and allows them to participate in weekly enrichment activities, courses, and a field trip.

Lee Blake, the director of the program, views the program as a bridge to higher education. “Spotlight gives high school students a good sense of the atmosphere, requirements, and excitement of college,” Blake said. “It helps create a bridge for high school students.”

For over 30 years, more than 4,000 high school students have learned about the path they need to take to meet their educational goals. They visit the university ready to debate, explore, question, experiment, and analyze.

And they get the chance to listen to presentations by artists, musicians, writers, community activists, politicians, business executives, and scientists. They even get to participate in 4-week mini courses, such as genealogy, clay workshop, songwriting, beginner guitar, and creative writing.

“We want to show students that there are many different pathways for them to access college,” Blake said. “The program provides information to students about other opportunities.”