2016 2016: NAACP chapter established at UMass Dartmouth

2016 2016: NAACP chapter established at UMass Dartmouth
NAACP chapter established at UMass Dartmouth

Follows 2016 Commencement address by national NAACP Chair Roslyn Brock

UMass Dartmouth students have established a campus NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) Chapter to engage members in social justice, equal opportunity, and voter mobilization activity.

The establishment of the UMass Dartmouth NAACP chapter comes six months after Roslyn Brock, the national chair of the NAACP addressed the Class of 2016 during the university’s commencement exercises. In her remarks, Ms. Brock stated: “I challenge you to raise your voices in the public square, secure every opportunity along your life’s journey to safeguard justice, eliminate poverty, encourage education, and protect civility. You are the power generation and the future of our nation rests in your hands. Courage must not skip this generation.”

The chapter, officially established in October with 25 members, is led by four officers: President Melany Morales of Lawrence, Vice President Ayden Holliday of Dorchester, Treasurer Tina Daley of Dorchester and Secretary Darlande Joseney of Randolph. 

 “Everyone is welcome,” said Morales. “The goal is to get the student body involved politically and socially.”

Advisors Peggy Dias and David Gomes noted, “We are excited to be advisors to the impressive student leaders who have founded the UMass Dartmouth NAACP College Chapter that is open to all students. Given the current social justice climate in our nation, this organization will be a critical educational and support vehicle for UMass Dartmouth students.”

The NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots-based civil rights organization and it consists of more than half a million members and supporters.

The NAACP Youth and College Division aims to inform youth of the problems that African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities face.