2016 2016: It’s never too late to join the online community

2016 2016: It’s never too late to join the online community
It’s never too late to join the online community

Online student Michael Weber will complete his undergraduate education after a fifteen-year hiatus.

Michael Weber

This summer, Michael Weber will complete his undergraduate education after a fifteen-year hiatus. The father of 5 returned to his studies in July 2015 as a Liberal Arts major with concentrations in History and English. 

"I met with Sherri Nickel-Milstone, University Extension's student support coordinator, and she helped me map out a realistic plan and encouraged me to take this big chance," Weber said. "I am the father of 5 beautiful girls, have bills, and responsibilities, so I wasn't sure if I could even do it at all."

But with online courses, Weber learned that he can do it all. "For someone who has a hectic life and doesn't live close to campus, UMass Dartmouth's online program is a great solution," he said.

He learned to navigate the online community, communicated with his instructors, and took advantage of the tools he needed for success.

"I love the way being a student has recharged my brain," he said. "It has opened up parts of my mind that have been dormant for so long."  

As he prepares for his last semester, Weber is thankful for the continuing education program and his online community. He is ready to reignite his career as history teacher and maybe a professor at UMass Dartmouth someday.

"I have had some amazing professors who have challenged me to work harder," he said. "I've made a few good friends who share in the college struggles and we talk on Facebook about our families and college lives."