2016 2016: Panel ponders a liberal majority on U.S. Supreme Court

2016 2016: Panel ponders a liberal majority on U.S. Supreme Court
Panel ponders a liberal majority on U.S. Supreme Court

Professors Duncan and Rudko join guest speaker Dr. Steven Lichtman to imagine a liberal majority on the U.S. Supreme Court

Steven Lichtman, professor of political science at Shippensburg University, at the Law School, Oct. 26, 2016

Professor Steven Lichtman, a political scientist on the faculty of Shippensburg University, lectured at the law school Wednesday evening on the subject, "Reforming the Political Process: The Supreme Court and the Coming Liberal Majority."  Professors Dwight Duncan and Frances Rudko served on a panel as discussants.  Professor Lichtman posited that the U.S. Supreme Court might soon have a majority of ideologically liberal justices for the first time in more than 45 years. He hypothesized an ambitious reform agenda the Court might undertake, comprising campaign finance, voter ID, and gerry-mandering, on a scale akin to “the Rehnquist Revolution,” or the Warren Court on race and criminal justice.

Lecture at Law School by Dr. Steven B. Lichtman, Oct. 26, 2016, with Law Professors Duncan & Rudko
Professors Rudko, Duncan, and Lichtman

The event, attended by more than 80 students, faculty, and staff in the UMass Law community, was sponsored by Delta Theta Phi, the Federalist Society, the Student Bar Association, the PILF Program, the Faculty Development Committee, and the Office of the Dean.  Professor Rick Peltz-Steele led organization of the event.