2016 2016: LegalTech News cites Farber research on drones

2016 2016: LegalTech News cites Farber research on drones
LegalTech News cites Farber research on drones

LegalTech News quotes and cites research by Professor Hillary Farber concerning drones and privacy

Law Professor Hillary Farber gives a lecture on drones and privacy

An article on drones, privacy, and data security in LegalTech News quoted Professor Hillary Farber as an expert and cited her research.  The article, "Privacy and Data Security Top List of Questions for Legal Experts About Drones," by Gabrielle Orum Hernández, discussed the impact on privacy and security of the growing market for consumer drones, as well as commercial adoption by companies such as Amazon and Apple.  "If you make yourself visible to passersby on the street, you're aware that you're exposing your image to people on the street," LegalTech News quoted Farber.  "We don't have the expectation that there's going to be a camera flying over us, above us, capturing images."  The article cited Farber's ongoing research into local and federal regulations of drones.  LegalTech News is a publication of ALM.  The article is available online from ALM (pay wall; limited free access) and was republished by InsideCounsel Magazine (free at the time of this writing).