2016 2016: Hillary B. Farber: Let's make it easy to be responsible with drones

2016 2016: Hillary B. Farber: Let's make it easy to be responsible with drones
Hillary B. Farber: Let's make it easy to be responsible with drones

UMass Law professor Hillary B. Farber's editorial "Let's make it easy to be responsible with drones" was featured recently in the Providence Journal.

UMass Law Professor Hillary B. Farber

UMass Law professor Hillary B. Farber's editorial "Let's make it easy to be responsible with drones" was featured recently in the Providence Journal.

Hillary B. Farber: Let's make it easy to be responsible with drones

Farber, a foremost voice in the conversation about the regulation of drone activity, has:

  • been featured in an ABA panel discussion on drone regulation
  • discussed various aspects of drone safety on Fox 25
  • and was a featured speaker at UMass Law's annual Constitution Day celebration in 2015

To see her full list of publications and academic contributions, view Professor Farber's faculty profile.