2016 2016: Community Companions: Collaboration and Celebration!

2016 2016: Community Companions: Collaboration and Celebration!
Community Companions: Collaboration and Celebration!

Community Companions: Collaboration and Celebration! is an event that celebrates a 15-year commitment to community service through experiential learning.

On Wednesday, June 22 at 8am, faculty, staff, and community partners will join together for a breakfast to celebrate Community Companions in Woodlands Common. 

Funded by the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), the event recognizes Community Companions, which is a service-learning component of the psychology course - PSY 298 Experience Program. The event will also honor Dr. Christine Frizzell, who recently retired as director of the program. Directorship of the program will transition to Dr. Meredith Dove beginning Fall 2016.

Dr. Frizzell helped develop Community Companions in 2000, and it began as Southcoast Compeer. It was a program that provided trained volunteer friends and mentors for people with mental illness. In 2013, Compeer grew into Community Companions and began serving individuals with autism, cognitive disability and dementia as well.

The program provides students with an opportunity to earn academic credits while serving individuals in the community, experiencing real-world issues, and connecting with individuals with special needs. It promotes the development of community connections between the university and community mental health agencies, service organizations, and individuals in need.