2016 2016: UMassD students create publication highlighting civic engagement experiences

2016 2016: UMassD students create publication highlighting civic engagement experiences
UMassD students create publication highlighting civic engagement experiences

Jacob Miller ’16 and James Ferguson ’16 create “The Common Project” to inspire, promote, and sustain community through story telling

The Common Project magazine will showcase stories, examples, profiles, and articles that show a wide variety of individuals working toward a common goal.

Two members of the UMass Dartmouth Class of 2016 have created a publication they hope will inspire others to civically engage in their communities. The goal of The Common Project is to inspire, promote, and sustain community through story-telling. Political Science and English major Jacob Miller and Graphic Design major James Ferguson designed this new initiative as part of their thesis projects through the University’s Honors Program and the College of Visual & Performing Arts (CVPA) Graphic Design program.

“I would not be where I am today without civic engagement, mentorship, and the social capital that comes with each,” Jacob said. “Each opportunity has increased my attachment to the SouthCoast and my commitment to making it better in any way possible. This project is a personal and community journey.”

Jacob and James have experienced the benefits of civic engagement in their own personal growth and in their community. Now they want to help others discover stories, best practices, and insights to equip those interested in giving back on their respective journeys. The two SouthCoast natives want to discover unique stories of people engaging in activities that promote the common good.

They hope to publish an annual magazine, the first edition of which, was published in print and online prior to their graduation. The magazine will showcase stories, examples, profiles, and articles that show a wide variety of individuals working toward a common goal. The backgrounds and interests of those highlighted are different to encourage individuals with varying backgrounds and interests to become involved with the project and community engagement overall.

More information can be found at www.thecommonproject.org.