2016 2016: Potter Burda's research on HIV PrEP has impact on clinical guidelines and research

2016 2016: Potter Burda's research on HIV PrEP has impact on clinical guidelines and research
Potter Burda's research on HIV PrEP has impact on clinical guidelines and research

Professor Jason Potter Burda's HIV prevention scholarship appears in the Journal of the International AIDS Society and in provider educational materials by the U.S. Sexuality Information & Education Council

Jason Potter Burda (Law Faculty)

Professor Jason Potter Burda's recent article, "PrEP and Our Youth," was referenced as principal support for the legal and policy challenges of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) implementation among adolescents in a new medical research study published in a special issue of the Journal of the International AIDS Society.  His article also appeared as a core resource on youth and HIV law and policy considerations in a Primary Care Provider Toolkit published by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS).  The article was showcased in a standing-room-only workshop at the 2016 U.S. Conference on AIDS and at the 2016 Lavender Law Conference.


Professor Burda is one of the country's preeminent legal experts on the legal and policy barriers to accessing PrEP, a game-changing, once-a-day pill to prevent HIV.  His article, "When Condoms Fail: Making Room Under the ACA Blanket for PrEP HIV Prevention," was the first piece of legal scholarship devoted solely to PrEP.  Burda's most recent PrEP piece, "PrEP and Our Youth: Implications in Law and Policy," published by the Columbia Journal of Gender & Law, is the first law journal piece considering the implications of PrEP for minors and one of the most comprehensive 50-state surveys of minor consent statutes and their implications for confidential PrEP access for youth ever published.