2016 2016: New study highlights potential relationship between climate change and the Bay of Bengal

2016 2016: New study highlights potential relationship between climate change and the Bay of Bengal
New study highlights potential relationship between climate change and the Bay of Bengal

Study, co-authored by UMass Dartmouth professor of oceanography, explains global significance of the Bay of Bengal's oxygen minimum zone waters

A recent study, co-authored by Professor Mark Altabet of UMass Dartmouth's School for Marine Science & Technology and first authored by former post-doc fellow Laura Bistrow, explains the global significance of the Bay of Bengal if traces of oxygen were removed from the Bay’s oxygen minimum zone waters by future climate change. The study, titled “N2 production rates limited by nitrate availability in the Bay of Bengal oxygen minimum zone,” appears in the latest edition of Nature GeoScience.

Bay of Bengal ocean

About Mark Altabet

Mark Altabet is Professor and Chair of the Department of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences at UMass Dartmouth’s School for Marine Science & Technology. His research focuses on the global N cycle and its interactions with climate change, the Earth's carbon cycle and control of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, as well as enrichment of water as a result of an increase and nutrients and their impact on the coastal environment. Study sites include the coastal environment as well as the open ocean.