2016 2016: Public Higher Education Advocacy Day March 7

2016 2016: Public Higher Education Advocacy Day March 7
Public Higher Education Advocacy Day March 7

Two events provide the opportunity to advocate, engage, and share your research and passions with your state leaders.

MA State House
Complimentary food and beverages will provided throughout the day at the State House and at the UMass Club.

Two events on March 7th provide the opportunity to advocate, engage, and share your research and passions with your state leaders.

The Public Higher Education Advocacy Day will begin at the Massachusetts State House. A speaking program is scheduled at the Great Hall followed by the opportunity to visit your local legislators. To register for Advocacy Day 2016, click here.

To cap off Advocacy Day, the UMass Student Trustees invite you to join them at the UMass Club to share the impact of your UMass education. The UMass Impact Reception offers another opportunity to engage with your state legislators, as well as, local business leaders. To register, click here

Complimentary food and beverages will provided throughout the day at the State House and at the UMass Club. 

Please note that in order to attend the Reception, you must also RSVP for the Public Higher Education Advocacy Day.


Transportation by bus will be available for UMassD students who registered for both Advocacy Day and the UMass Impact Reception. The bus will depart the Dartmouth campus at 8 a.m. and depart from Boston at 7 p.m. following the Reception. Further details regarding transportation will be provided once you register.

For more information, contact UMassD Student Trustee Jacob Miller (jacob.miller@umassd.edu).