2015 2015: UMass Law welcomes General Counsel to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio April 9

2015 2015: UMass Law welcomes General Counsel to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio April 9
UMass Law welcomes General Counsel to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio April 9

Gregg Nunziata to speak on judicial nominating process at UMass Law

UMass Law will welcome U.S. Senator Marco Rubio's General Counsel Gregg Nunziata to speak about the judicial nominating process for the United States Supreme Court and about legal careers on Capitol Hill this Thursday, April 9, 2015 at noon at UMass Law Room 117. 

Gregg Nunziata serves as Senate general counsel advising Senator Rubio regarding legal issues including immigration reform.  Nunziata was a top adviser to former Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Arlen Specter during the confirmation of two Supreme Court justices. He later worked at the Senate Republican Policy Committee under Senator John Thune where he provided legal analysis and policy counsel on matters relating to the judiciary, homeland security, and Senate rules. 

UMass Law, located at UMass Dartmouth, is the only public law school in Massachusetts. The law school was established in 2010 to provide a high quality, affordable legal education focused on creating justice-centered lawyers. UMass Law is especially committed to increasing the diversity of those who practice law in the Commonwealth and encouraging students to become professionally engaged in their community through pro bono service, clinics, and internships while they study.