2015 2015: Students weigh in on international fisheries management‌‌

2015 2015: Students weigh in on international fisheries management‌‌
Students weigh in on international fisheries management‌‌

Since 2009, SMAST students have been participating directly in international fisheries science and management through the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

Since 2009, SMAST students have been participating directly in international fisheries science and management through the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Each year, students from the Department of Fisheries Oceanography, with a faculty co-chair, serve as technical reviewers for stock assessments of a variety of species. This year, the group has reviewed 14 stock assessments from the North Sea. As co-chair, Research Associate Dr. Greg DeCelles is presenting the group’s reviews to ICES this week in Copenhagen. The student reviews are taken into account as ICES advises member countries on fisheries management.

The student reviewers this year are Alexander Hansell, Judith Rosellon-Druker, Liberty Schlipp, Megan Winton, Brook Wright, and Doug Zemeckis, along with DeCelles and fellow Research Associate Dr. Cate O’Keefe. Prof. Steve Cadrin co-chaired the group. In exchange for their efforts, students will receive a travel award from ICES to partially fund their attendance at the ICES Annual Science Conference in Copenhagen.

ICES is an intergovernmental organization of more than 4000 scientists whose main objective is to increase the scientific knowledge of the marine environment and its living resources and to use this knowledge to provide advice to management.