2015 2015: UMass Dartmouth’s Star Store campus location of New England writers conference

2015 2015: UMass Dartmouth’s Star Store campus location of New England writers conference
UMass Dartmouth’s Star Store campus location of New England writers conference

Aspiring writers invited to learn from and network with industry professionals and creative writing enthusiasts

Star Store
Star Store campus the location for inaugural Hollihock Writers Conference

UMass Dartmouth’s Star Store campus in downtown New Bedford will welcome aspiring writers from across New England to the inaugural Hollihock Writers Conference August 21-23. Over the three-day conference, attendees will take part in workshops, classes, and discussions about the literary world of creative writing, poetry, and non-fiction, attend panels to learn tips on finding an agent and writing query letters, and hearing professional writers share their work. The conference is organized by Groundwork Coworking and UMass Dartmouth's College of Arts and Sciences and College of Visual and Performing Arts.

 Hollihock welcomes writers in any phase of their literary life, from beginners intimidated by the blank page, to published professionals looking for a network of fellow creative thinkers to share ideas. Several notable contributors from New England will be involved in one or more workshops, panels, lectures, and readings, including UMass Dartmouth Associate Professor Jerry Blitefield and Everett Hoagland, who served as the Poet Laureate of New Bedford 1994-1998 and is the recipient of the 2015 Langston Hughes Award.