2015 2015: Professor joins UMass Dartmouth after receiving international award in Spain for poetry

2015 2015: Professor joins UMass Dartmouth after receiving international award in Spain for poetry
Professor joins UMass Dartmouth after receiving international award in Spain for poetry

Hambre de imágenes (Hungry for Images) earns international award named for famous Spanish writer Antonio Gala

Foreign Literature and Languages Assistant Professor Marta del Pozo is one the newest faculty members at UMass Dartmouth.

Foreign Literature and Languages Assistant Professor Marta del Pozo, one the newest faculty members at UMass Dartmouth, joins the university after receiving a international award this summer in Spain for her latest poetry work Hambre de imágenes (Hungry for Images). The book of poems received the award named after Antonio Gala, a famous Spanish writer highly regarded for his poetry and as a successful playwright and novelist.

"I want to break the departmentalization of knowledge,” Professor del Pozo said. “I find a balance in writing about what interests me and what I research. By writing, you touch the language in a way that reading doesn't get to."

Hambre de imágenes is a poetic reflection on images coming from different visual formats including photography, movies, screens, and printed stills. With an appreciation of how certain images affect how we see ourselves and the world, the author approaches our ever increasing visual culture through poetry.

Professor del Pozo focuses her poetry on connecting her areas of interest to her areas of research. She also used this connection to produce Escuela de geómetras, a collection of poems dedicated to geometry. Professor del Pozo earned her MFA in creative writing from New York University. She earned her Ph.D. in Spanish literature from UMass Amherst. Currently, she is working with a translator to convert her book into English.

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Editor's note: Video above shows television coverage of the award ceremony held this summer.