2014 2014: UMass Dartmouth's Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality to Host Workshop on Consciousness Raising

2014 2014: UMass Dartmouth's Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality to Host Workshop on Consciousness Raising
UMass Dartmouth's Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality to Host Workshop on Consciousness Raising

Workshop in Recognition of Women's History Month

UMass Dartmouth's Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality (CWGS) invites the university community and general public to a Consciousness Raising Workshop with Janet Freedman, Thursday, March 13, at 3:00 p.m., at CWGS. Consciousness Raising is a form of political activism that attempts to focus the attention of a broad audience on a particular cause, issue area, or condition. 

"I will explore how such groups differ or offer continuity with the structure and function of consciousness raising, and consider if it might be useful to revive the consciousness raising process as a way to revitalize a critical, activist feminist movement," said Janet Freedman, a former Dean of Library Services and Professor of Education at UMass Dartmouth. 

Janet Freedman also served as chair of the university's Department of Education, director of the Women's Studies Program and co-director of the university's Center for Jewish Culture. Her interest in exploring the influence of consciousness raising grows from her own efforts to implement the goal of that process and to link personal experience to meaningful professional and social action. 

Originally founded in 1970 as the Women's Center, CWGS is a voice for women and the LGBTQIA+ community, with the purpose of eliminating barriers, diminishing prejudices, and creating a supportive climate and space for all. The center is located in the UMass Dartmouth Campus Center, Suite 207. You can follow CWGS on Facebook and Twitter.