2014 2014: UMass Dartmouth Student Enrolled as Gerontological Society of America Ambassador

2014 2014: UMass Dartmouth Student Enrolled as Gerontological Society of America Ambassador
UMass Dartmouth Student Enrolled as Gerontological Society of America Ambassador

Senior Anna-Rae LeClaire Becomes UMass Dartmouth's First Student Ambassador

UMass Dartmouth senior Nursing student and Gerontology minor Anna-Rae LeClaire, of Sutton, MA, has been enrolled for a one-year term as a Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Student Ambassador. Universities around the country are invited to apply for the GSA Ambassador program. The ambassador positions are awarded to gerontology programs with a dedication to advancing aging awareness and research.

Serving as UMass Dartmouth's first GSA Student Ambassador, Anna-Rae will coordinate and generate aging-related interests on campus in partnership with UMass Dartmouth's Ora M. DeJesus Gerontology Center. The Center's Director, Andrew Revell, serves as the Faculty Advisor for the GSA Ambassador Program at UMass Dartmouth.

UMass Dartmouth's Ora M. DeJesus Gerontology Center was recently awarded a grant from the Association of Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) to host a Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) event this past Monday. The panel discussion on "Careers in the Growing Field of Aging and Health" brought together community members from the areas of medicine, nursing, psychology, and social work.

The GSA Ambassador Program is a vital networking tool linking students with an interest in gerontology at higher education institutions across the country and the globe. Campus Ambassadors are encouraged to become actively involved in promoting opportunities in the field of aging at their institution. The Gerontological Society of America promotes multi-and interdisciplinary research in aging and disseminates that research knowledge to researchers, practitioners, and various stakeholders, while also advocating for aging education and training in higher education.

The Ora M. DeJesus Gerontology Center at UMass Dartmouth is a multi-disciplinary center dedicated to research and programs that provide education on the aging process and promote healthy, active living. For more information about Gerontology at UMass Dartmouth, please contact the Gerontology Center at 508.999.8376.